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Visit to Japan (25/2- 3/3/2007)
The BACSA president, Dr P. Tzenov and Dr S. Cappellozza, Sericulture Experiment Station, Padua, Italy were invited to visit Japan during the period 25 Feb. – 3 Mar. 2007 by Prof. Yutaka Banno, Genetic Resources Institute, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, in the framework of the national Japanese project on bio-resources, whose details can be red at the following web address: ; travel expenses as well as board and lo...
of the participants at
International Workshop on Silk Handcrafts Cottage Industries and Silk Enterprises Development in Africa , Europe , Central Asia and the Near East,
Second Executive Meeting of Black, Caspian seas and Central Asia Silk Association (BACSA)
Bursa , Turkey , 6 - 10 March ...
International Workshop on Silk Handcrafts Cottage Industries and Silk Enterprises Development in Africa, Europe , Central Asia , and Near East, Bursa, Turkey 6 -10 March 2006
Conclusions, recommendations,
decisions and follow ups
The workshop participants
Considering that: