

Project ARACNE, financed by the EC

Report on visit to Japan of Dr P. Tzenov, BACSA president and Dr S. Cappellozza, Italy

Visit to Japan (25/2- 3/3/2007)

The BACSA president, Dr P. Tzenov and Dr S. Cappellozza, Sericulture Experiment Station, Padua, Italy were invited to visit Japan during the period 25 Feb. – 3 Mar. 2007 by Prof. Yutaka Banno, Genetic Resources Institute, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, in the framework of the national Japanese project on bio-resources, whose details can be red at the following web address: ; travel expenses as well as board and lo...


110 jubilee of Sericulture Experiment Station, Vratza, Bulgaria



Information about the Bursa workshop participants


of the participants at

International Workshop on Silk Handcrafts Cottage Industries and Silk Enterprises Development in Africa , Europe , Central Asia and the Near East,


Second Executive Meeting of Black, Caspian seas and Central Asia Silk Association (BACSA)

Bursa , Turkey , 6 - 10 March ...


Bursa workshop participants photos



Info about Bursa workshop already published in Indian silk magazine



International workshop on silk handcraft cottage industries and second BACSA meeting, March 2006, Bursa, Turkey

International Workshop on Silk Handcrafts Cottage Industries and Silk Enterprises Development in Africa, Europe , Central Asia , and Near East, Bursa, Turkey 6 -10 March 2006

Conclusions, recommendations,

decisions and follow ups

The workshop participants
Considering that:

  1. Sericulture is an important labour-intensive and agro-based cottage industry, providing gainful occupation to a huge number of people ...


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