
International Conference “Intensive methods of bio materials processing”

The Scientific Committee of the International Conference “Intensive methods of bio materials processing”, that will take place at Sinaia, Romania over the period 20-23 August 2007, at the request of several sericulture specialists, has created a special sericulture section within the Conference. This conference is organized by S.C. BIOING S. A., Bucharest and Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania.
I will be the chairman of the sericulture section and will also present the paperwork “Current Status of Utilizing the Sericulture Genetic Resources in Some Eastern European and Central Asian Countries”. I am sending you forwarded the e-mail message of Dr M. Ichim, General Director of the Institute of Bioengineering and Biotechnology (BIOING), Bucharest, Romania directed to everybody, working as specialists in the sericulture area, to attend this conference and to present the last newness in the filed.


The aim of the International Conference on Intensifying Proceedings of Biomaterial Processings is to provide a common platform for scientific and technical exchange in the field of biomaterial processing. It is an opportunity to promote discussions and to share opinions among inte rested parties (universities, research and development institutes, manufactures and users of products and services). The Conference will be held between 20 and 23 August 2007 in Sinaia, New Montana hotel. The Sinaia town is situated in an awe-inspiring mountain region (a t the foothills of the Bucegi Mountains ) along Prahova Valley, known as “the Pearl of the Carpathians ”.

International Scientific Committee

Gholamreza DJELVEH
ENSCCF Clermont Ferrand , France
Szent Istvan University , Godollo , Hungary
Universty of Chemical Tehnology and Metallurgy, Sofia
BIOING S. A. Bucharest, Romania
Gheorghita JINESCU
Politehnica University of Bucharest , Romania
Wladyslaw KAMINSKI Technical Universty of Lodz , Poland
Nicolae NAUM
CNMP Bucharest , Romania
University of Belgrade , Serbije
Valeriu RUDIC
State University of Chisinau Sciences, Academy of Moldavia
State University of Chisinau Sciences, Academy of Moldavia
W. van SWAIJ University of Twente , the Netherlands
Panomir Tzenov  
Sericulture Experiment Station, Vratza, Bulgaria

Organising Committee

Liviu Ionel Ichim - President

Phone: +40-021- 210 26 59

Mobile phone: +40-744 152 485

Fax: +40-021 -211 37 65

Paul Vasilescu - Vice President
Nicolae Luca - Member

Georgeta Petre - Member

Iuliana Spiridon - Member

Ion Toderas - Member

Gabriela Isopencu - Member

Cosmin Jinescu - Member

Monica Mares - Member

Contacts: S.C. BIOING S. A.,

Strada Prof. Ion Bogdan nr. 10, Sector 1,

Bucuresti - ROMANIA

Maria Ichim

Phone: + 40 - 021- 210 26 59

Mobile phone: + 40 -740 152 000

Fax: +40- 021- 211 37 65


Sponsored by:

S.C. HOFIGAL S.A. Bucharest


  1. Transport phenomena in fluid-solid systems in biotechnology
    • Hydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer in fluid-solid bio systems
    • Rheology of products and in in-situ monitoring of bio processing
    • Intensification techniques by external physical fields
    • Modelling, optimization and simulation
  2. Bioreactors and Biomaterial upstream processing
    • Bioreactors – General
    • Photo-bioreactors
    • Equipment and technologies for algae production and utilization
    • Controlled synthesis of bioactive substances
  3. Biomaterial downstream and post-procession
    • Special material selection form bio fluids
    • Tailored bio particles
    • Equipment and techniques from downstream processes
  4. Post processing treatment of bio products
    • Mixing, elutriation and agglomeration of powdered biomaterials
    • Extraction
    • Drying
  5. Environmental bioengineering for water, soil and air
  6. Risk and safety in biomaterial processing


There will be an exhibition area available for different firms and companies to promote their products and equipments, as well as to establish fruitful contacts between people from the industry and from the academia.

Conditions for the exhibition area should be negotiated with S.C. BIOING S.A. Other details will be available in the Second circular.

For further information about the conference, especially travel arrangements including visas, hotel accommodation and the conference programme please contact:



30 th January, 2007

Abstract and pre-registration form
Via e-mail
28 th February, 2007
Abstract acceptance confirmation and Instruction for Authors
Via e-mail
15 th March, 2007
Second Circular Release with a provisional titles of presentations
Via e-mail
15 th April , 2007
Full paper submission as PDF for a review
Via e-mail
30 th April, 2007
Confirmation of paper acceptance and corrections if required by a reviewers
Via e-mail
30 th May, 2007
Final paper submission (as PDF and Word doc files)
Via e-mail


All materials should be sending via e-mail: (Maria Ichim)





  • Scientific presentations: Plenary lectures, Oral con tributions and Posters.
  • Technical presentations by industry - oral presentations arranged in special sessions with short presentation of products and equipments.

Conference Proceedings:

All the contributions will be published on a CD available at the desk of the Conference. Full articles and posters should be arranged as normal articles according to the instructions that will presented in the confirmation of the abstract acceptance letter.

Contributors from the industry can publish short advertising material up to 4 pages according to the instructions from the 2 nd circular.


Special journal issues:

Articles of high quality will be selected for publication in several international journals - the selections will be announced after June 15 th 2007.

FEE (provisional)

Early registration by
30th June, 2007
Late registration after 1 st July, 2007
150 euros
200 euros
Students (pay per participation but not for paper registration)
50 euros
70 euros
Accompanying persons
100 euros
120 euros
Information about the bank transfer will be released in the Second Circular
As a first step we need:

  • Pre- registration and Abstract submission forms (pre-registration Reply Card and Abstract template are attached).

!! Please, take into account that no more than 2 articles per participant are accepted !!

Please complete the abstract template and registration form and name them. For example:

SINAIA-2007-Your Name-Abstract.doc and SINAIA-2007-Your Name-ReplyCard.doc



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