

Project ARACNE, financed by the EC

22nd congress of the International Sericultural Commission

22nd congress of the International Sericultural Commission



First Balkan workshop “Possibilities for Using Silkworm and Mulberry for Non-Textile Purposes”, 23 – 26 September 2008, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

First Balkan workshop “Possibilities for Using Silkworm and Mulberry for Non-Textile Purposes”, 23 – 26 September 2008, Plovdiv, Bulgaria



The BACSA 4th executive meeting, November 2008, Athens, Greece

The BACSA 4th executive meeting, November 2008, Athens, Greece



Final document of the 3rd BACSA meeting, held on 20th September 2007 at Vratza, Bulgaria

Final document of the 3rd BACSA meeting, held on 20th September 2007 at Vratza, Bulgaria during the international conference “Sericulture Challenges in the 21st Century” (Serichal 2007)


The BACSA executive committee in the forum: Third Executive Meeting of Black, Caspian seas and Central Asia Silk Association (BACSA), 20 September 2007, Vratza, Bulgaria took the following decisions:

1. Express formal gratefulness to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, the Government of Republic of Bulgaria and National C...


EU direct subsidies for sericulture

EU Commission Regulation N1744.2006

EU Council Regulation N1544.2006



Participants at the International conference Serichal 2007 and the 3rd BACSA meeting, Vratza, Bulgaria, 18 - 21 Sep. 2007

of the participants at the International conference “Sericulture Challenges in the 21stCentury” (Serichal 2007) and the 3rd BACSA meeting, held in Vratza, Bulgaria from 18 to 21 September 2007.


Report on the BACSA activities during the period March 2006 – September 2007


On the Black, Caspian Seas and Central Asia Silk Association (BACSA) activities during the period March 2006 – September 2007

Presented by Dr Panomir Tzenov, BACSA president at the 3rd BACSA executive meeting, held on 20th September 2007 at Vratza, Bulgaria

I. Activities on the implementation of the decisions taken at the 2nd BACSA meeting, held from 6 to 10 March 2006 at Bursa, Turkey.

1. The regional project proposal: “Improvement of Income-Generation Options Based on Re...


Recruitment of a Consultant in silkworm egg production and breeding.

Advert for International Recruitment of a

Consultant in silkworm egg production and breeding.

The Government of Rwanda intends to recruit an international consultant in silkworm egg production and breeding to assist in local supply and production of silkworm eggs. The expert will also advise the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) in general matters of sericulture.

A. Tasks to be performed

The international expert will perform the following tasks:

1) Silkwor...


International Conference “Intensive methods of bio materials processing”

The Scientific Committee of the International Conference “Intensive methods of bio materials processing”, that will take place at Sinaia, Romania over the period 20-23 August 2007, at the request of several sericulture specialists, has created a special sericulture section within the Conference. This conference is organized by S.C. BIOING S. A., Bucharest and Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania.
I will be the chairman of the sericulture section and will also present the paperwork “Current Status of Utilizing the Sericulture Genetic Resources in Some Eastern European an...


Serichal 2007

International Conference

“Sericulture Challenges in the 21 st Century” (Serichal 2007)


the 3 rd BACSA meeting, 18 -21 September 2007, Vratza , Bulgaria

Letter of Open Invitation

(first announcement)

International Conference “Sericulture Challenges in t...


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