

Brief summary about sericulture in Uzbekistan : The silk branch of Uzbekistan has deep historical routes. Recent years, thanks to the government's initiative a purposeful work is going on in the direction of silk goods production increase and strengthening of export potential of enterprises. At this time there are 14 hybrid silkworm egg factories, 3 P 3 -P 1 pure-line egg production stations and 10 specialized sericultural farms producing 30 tons of pure-line seed cocoons and more than 20 millions of mulberry tree seedlings annually. Totally the Republic produces 17-20 thousands tons of fresh cocoons or 6.5-7.5 thousands tons of dry cocoons a year. For this 350-400 thousands of boxes of silkworm eggs (1 box=29 g), 10 silk-reeling factories with an output of 1600 tons are available, but they produce only 800-1300 tons of raw silk/year; 8 silk-weaving factories produce about 2.5 millions meters silk fabric annually. Work on increase of economic potential of the branch is going on at all production stages, starting with increase of fodder basis for cocoon raw materials preparation, cocoon processing and till ready made fabric production, its advertisement and advancement in the world market. Attention is being paid to such problems as braking of economic relations which lead to production decrease. Efforts are made to find ways of solving problems of restoration and development of sericultural industry and small silk enterprises both in scientific and production aspects.

Local sericulture institutions:

Name of Organization:
Uzbek Sericulture Research Institute
Contact Person :
Dr S. Umarov, Director
Postal Address :
1 Ipakchi Str., Tashkent , Uzbekistan
WEB Address :
E-mail : ;
Tel/Fax :
Mission statement :
The Uzbek Sericulture research Institute is one of the oldest coordinating scientific centers in Central Asian region and on the territory of CIS . Experimental farm “Jar-arik” is a constituent part of the institute. It's a place for selection and agro-technical researches, growing and maintenance of selection nurseries, seedlings, and experimental plantings of mulberry for provision of experimental feedings with mulberry leaves and care of mulberry fund collection. There is a world collection of mulberry trees and silkworms, where 226 varieties and forms of mulberry tree and 187 stocks of silkworm can be found. That is a scientific basis for setting and solving many urgent problems of fodder basis of sericulture, creation of highly productive stocks of silkworm, varieties and hybrids of mulberry tree. The main goals of Uzbek Scientific Research Institute of Sericulture are: creation of highly productive stocks and hybrids of silkworm, breeding of mulberry tree varieties, elaboration of new technologies, equipment and normative documents, which help to produce production of high quality. Such products are competitive on both internal and external markets; they give good economic and financial opportunities to Uzbekistan . All the stocks and hybrids of silkworm and mulberry tree, agro-equipment, technologies of silkworm egg production, mulberry tree and silkworm rearing, initial cocoon processing which are used now are elaborated by scientists of this institute and are improving on the world-wide level.

Name of Organization:
Animal husbandry and Sericulture college under the Uzbek State Agrarian University , Tashkent and Namangan Sericulture college
Contact Person :
Postal Address :
Tashkent ; Namangan , Uzbekistan
WEB Address :
E-mail :
Tel/Fax :
Mission statement :
The college was established in 1930 and deals with training of students, especially in the field of sericulture. 75-80 undergraduate students are accepted for training in sericulture annually. After the 4 years study they obtain diploma for bachelor agronomist – sericulturist. The college provides also training for MSc and PhD degrees in sericulture for 2 and 3 years course respectively. 10 obligatory special disciplines in sericulture are studied, together with the basic ones for the agronomy.


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