


The biggest cocoon production in Russia occurred in the 80s of 20th century. In that days silkworm rearing was widely practiced in Krasnodar and Stavropol regions, Rostov area, North Osetia, Dagestan, Chechen-Ingush Republic, Kabardino-Balharia etc. regions of South Russia, reaching in some years an annual production of about 900 ton of fresh cocoons.
The silkworm egg production in Russia in these days reached about 35000 – 40000 boxes (20000 eggs/box) annually.

State research institute – Republican Sericulture Research Station under the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

The station was established in 1931 and now is the only one in Russia research institute, providing the scientific basis of sericulture and created all silkworm breeds and hybrids as well as mulberry varieties and hybrids spread in the country.
A unique collection of 155 mulberry varieties and forms and 39 silkworm pure breeds, Russian and also originated from China, Japan, Korea, Italy, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine and Central Asian republics are maintained at the station.
16 silkworm breeds and 30 commercial hybrids have been created in the station, using the most advanced methods of breeding like identification and testing of the adapting abilities and biochemical diagnostics of heterosis of hybrids concerning dissolvable proteins in the eggs as well as some methods of improved silkworm feeding, models of combining the sericulture with other agricultural branches. Programs for development organic and competitive sericulture in Russian Federation have also been created at the station.
70 new mulberry varieties at diploid and polyploidy levels with implementation of combining ability selection and colchicines as well as by introduction of highly productive and wild varieties have been created for enlargement of the sericulture feeding basis.
Presently a complex direction of deep processing of sericulture products for the needs of pharmacology, medicine, cosmetics and food industry is also developed.

For contacts:

357432, Russia, Stavropol county, Jeleznovodsk city, Inozemzevo, Pushkin 13 street
Tel./Fax: 8 87932 5-54-79

BACSA national coordinator in Russia: Dr. Vasily Vasilyevich Bogoslovskiy , e-mail: 

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DREAMmedia Creative Studio
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