


E. Kipriotis, D. Grekov, N. Petkov: An evaluation of some Bulgarian Silkworm (Bombyx Mori) hybrids reared in a Mountainous environment in northern Greece . Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, Vol. 2, Nr 2-3, 1999. P254-259, ISSN 1311-0489

E. Kipriotis, N. Petkov, J. Natcheva, P. Tzenov, D. Grekov: Study on some Bulgarian Silkworm Hybrids (Bombyx mori L.) in Conditions of Greece. Journal of Animal Science (3) 2000, p. 65-68

E. Kipriotis, D. Grekov, L.C. Bao: A Preliminary report on Intensifying Silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) efficiency by Rearing directly on Mulberry Plantation under Plastic Shed. Journal of Animal Science (4) 2000, p. 69-72

E. Kipriotis and D. Grekov: Some Nutritional studies on some Bulgarian Silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) Hybrids Reared in Northern Greece . International Journal of Industrial Entomology, 1 (2) 2000, p. 155-159

E. Kipriotis and D. Kiriakou: Sericulture in Soufli. Recent situation - Prospective. Geotechnical Scientific Objectives, 3/1999, p..328-336.

E. Kipriotis: The contribution of the National Agricultural Research Foundation to the Greek Sericulture. Agricultural Research and Technology July - September 1997, p. 4-5.

E. Kipriotis, D. Penkov, D. Grekov, K. Ivanov Evaluation of the Nutritive Value of Silkworm (Bombyx mori) Pupa meal, a waste of Reeling factories, in the Nutrition of Fowl. Zootechnical Science Review, December 2000, p. 67-76

E. Kipriotis, D. Grekov, N. Petkov, I. Natcheva: An evaluation of some Bulgarian Silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) Hybrids in Greece . The Proceeding of the XVIIIth International Sericultural Commission Congress, Cairo-Egypt, 12-16 Oct. 1999, p. 87-91

D. Grekov, E. Kipriotis, E. Arnaoutova and I. Amaxopoulos: Characteristics of some Greek Silkworm (Bombyx mori) lines, maintained in Bulgaria . Proceedings of the Conference for the 60 th Jubilee of the Bulgarian Agroeconomic Academy . Plovdiv , November 20 1996, p. 353-356.

Paraskevi Ramanli, Evripidis Kipriotis, Dimitar Grekov.: Investigation of the Adaptability of some Silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) lines to adverse Temperature and Humidity conditions. Conference on ??Problems and Creativity of the Greek Students in the Bulgarian Universities??, Union of the Bulgarian Scientists, Plovdiv , Bulgaria , December 4, 1999.

E. Kipriotis, N. Petkov, D. Grekov, P. Tzenov: Practical Sericulture, in Bulgarian, 129 pages, Komotini Agricultural Research Station (N.AG.RE.F.), Greece. 1999.

D. Grekov, E. Kipriotis: Investigation of the Chemical and Amino Acid composition of different dried silkworm pupae meals. Jurnal of Animal Science, (4) 2000, p. 107-110

E. Kipriotis: Comparative evaluation of some Chinese silkworm (bombyx mori) hybrids under spring and autumn rearing in Northern Greece . The proceedings of the 1 st scientific conference on Sericulture and Apiculture, Athens November 29, 2002.

D. Penkov, E. Kipriotis, D. Grekov, K. Ivanov Determination of the Amino Acid Content and Digestibility of Silkworm (Bombyx mori) Pupa meal, a waste of Reeling factories, in the Nutrition of Gees. Zootechnical Science Review, June 2002, (29) p. 77-85

E. Kipriotis: Silkworm (bombyx mori) germbank in Komotini Agricultural Research Institute, selection and improvement of pure lines. The proceedings of the 1 st scientific conference on Sericulture and Apiculture, Athens November 29, 2002.

E. Kipriotis: Comparative Performance of some Chinese Silkworm (Bombyx mori) Hybrids under Spring and Autumn Rearing in Northern Greece . The proceedings of the 1 st scientific conference on Sericulture and Apiculture, Athens November 29, 2002.

E. Kipriotis and D. Grekov: Qualitative Evaluation and Classification of Silkworm ( Bombyx mori L. ) Cocoons. The proceedings of the 2nd scientific conference on Sericulture and Apiculture, Athens October, 2003.


1. Problems of breeding, hybridization and ecology of Chinese oak silkworm in Ukraine/ V.G.Shakhbasov, V.A.Golovko, O.A.Shalamova et al.- Kharkov: "Original?", 2001.- 230 p. (Rus.).
2. Markina “.Yu., Zlotin A.Z., Golovko V.A. Theoretical and experimental background of methods of complex optimization of insect cultures by vitality and productivity. - Kharkov : ?Original?, 2001- 108 p. (Rus.).
3. Sericulture. Interdepartmental thematic scientific collection - 2001.- N 23.- 136 p. (Ukr.)
4. Silkworm selection in Ukraine (achievements, problems, prospecs ) / M.Ye Braslavskyi, V.A.Golovko, A.Z. Zlotin et al. - Kharkov : "Original?", 2002. - 280 p. (Rus.).
5. Entomotehniya : Explanatory dictionary / O.Z. Zlotin, V.O.Golovko, Yu.D.Bojchuk et al. - Kharkiv, 2002 - 256 p. (Ukr.).
6. Sericulture. Interdepartmental thematic scientific collection .- 2003 - N 24.- 136 p . ( Ukr .).
7. Zub O.V. Optimization of the physiology condition of culture of silkworm/ Edited by O.Z. Zlotin. - Kharkiv, 2004.- 50 p . (Ukr.).
8. Disease and pests of domestic insects (silkworms and bees): Aid train for veterinary specialities of Institutes of higher/ V.O.Golovko, Ye.V.Rudenko, O.Z. Zlotin, I.O. Kirichenko. - Kharkiv, 2005. - 354 p. (Ukr.).
9. Sericulture. Interdepartmental thematic scientific collection . - 2005 - N 25.- 132 p. (Ukr.).

Methodical recommendations

1. Diagnostics and prophylaxis pebrine, struggle with it and different infections of silkworm // Methodical recommendations /I.O.Kirichenko , V . V . Kazmiruk , E.A Denisenko . -Kharkiv : "Original? ", 2001. - 32 p . (Ukr., Rus., Engl.).
2. Express - method of evaluation of mulberry leaves nutrition quality for silkworm // Methodical recommendations / N . O . Olexijchenko , L.M.Ostapenko , O . Z . Zlotin . - Kharkiv : Club " Harmony ", 2004. - 23 p . ( Ukr ., Rus ., Engl ).
3. Application of bacterial preparations on the basis of azospiril for increase of productivity of mulberry // Methodical recommendations / O. V . Nadkernichna , Yu .O. Gonchar et al. - Chernigiv , 2004. -16 p . (Ukr.).
4. Complex of the measures directed on the increase of viability of mulberry silkworm and prophylaxis of bacterial illnesses in the pedigree and industrial sericulture // Methodical recommendations / O. V . Galanova , I.O. K irichenko , I. P . Sukhanova , S .M. Kravtsova . - Kharkiv : Club " Harmony ", 2005. - 18 p . ( Ukr .).
5. Increase of resistant, viability and productivity of silkworm with the use of adjuvant// Methodical recommendations/ O. V . Galanova, I.O Kirichenko, I P . Sukhanova. - Kharkiv: Club " Harmony", 2005. - 14 p. ( Ukr .)


1. Natcheva, Y., N. Petkov, P. Tzenov, M. Braslavskii, V. Golovko (1999) Phenotype and genotype parameters of silkworm Bombyx mori L. characters. ==. Technological characters, Animal Sciences, 36, 2, 86-89.
2. Natcheva, Y., N. Petkov, L. Ignatova, M. Braslavskii, V. Golovko, V. Lutenko, Y. Liashenko (1999) Genetic structure of silkworm populations according to cocoon shell weight character, Sericulture, 22, 40-47, ( Ukraine )
3. Natcheva, Y., N. Petkov , P. Tzenov, K. Malinova, Chun Gen Su, M. Hussein (1999) Breeding of bisexual lines of the silkworm Bombyx mori L. from androgenetic origin, Assiut Journal of Agricultural Science, 30, 5, 83-90. ( Egypt )
4. Natcheva, Y., N. Petkov, P. Tzenov, K. Malinova, Chun Gen Su, M. Hussein (1999) Breeding of bisexual lines of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L. from androgenetic origin, Assiut Jour. Agric. Sci., 30(5), 83-90. ( Egypt )
5. Natcheva, Y., N. Petkov, P. Tzenov, K. Malinova. Chun Gen Su (1999) Breeding of bisexual of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L. with androgenetic origin. Bull. Indian Acad. Seric., 3(1), 36 - 41. ( India )
6. Natcheva, Y., N. Petkov, P. Tzenov, M. Braslavskii, V. Golovko (1999) Phenotype and genotype parameters of silkworm Bombyx mori L. characters. =. Main selection characters, Animal Sciences, 36, 1, 64-68.
7. Natcheva, Y., N. Petkov , L. Ignatova, M. Braslavskii, M. Stotskii, J. Ljushenko (2000) Correlations of shell weight and cocoon weight in silkworm outbreed populations, Sericulture, 23, 99-101. ( Ukraine )
8. Natcheva, Y., N. Petkov, L. Ignatova, M. Braslavskii, M. Stotskii, J. Ljushenko (2000) Mathematical prognostication of initial forms for silkworm industrial hybridization, Sericulture 23, 104-106. ( Ukraine )
9. Natcheva, Y., N. Petkov, L. Ignatova, M. Braslavskii, M. Stotskii, V. Juravel (2000) Using Ukraine silkworm breeds in Bulgaria , Sericulture, 23, 107-109. ( Ukraine )
10. Natcheva, Y., N. Petkov, L. Ignatova, M. Braslavskii, M. Stotskii, V. Juravel (2000) Study on heterosis and its components in di, three and tetra silkworm crosses, Sericulture, 23, 101-103. ( Ukraine )
11. Natcheva, Y., N. Petkov, L. Ignatova, M. Braslavskii, M. Stotskii, V. Juravel, ?. Shterbak, T. Safonova (2000) New silkworm hybrids for autumn industrial rearing in Bulgaria, Sericulture, 23, 109-111. ( Ukraine )
12. Natcheva, Y., N. Petkov, P. Tzenov (2000) Assessment of newly created silkworm breeds of Bombyx mori L. related to their utilization in the selection programs, Animal sciences, 4, 73-77.
13. Natcheva, Y., N. Petkov, P. Tzenov (2000) Heterosis, depression and dominance rates for the indexes length and within ? cocoon unevenness of the silk filament in silkworm hybrids Bombyx mori L., Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science., 6, 485-488.
14. Natcheva, Y., N. Petkov, P. Tzenov, D. Grekov (2000) Assessment of newly created silkworm breeds of Bombyx mori L. related to their utilization in the selection programs, Journal of Animal Science, XXXVII, 4, 73-78.
15. Natcheva, Y., N. Petkov, P. Tzenov (2000) Heterosis, depression and degree at dominance for filament length and inter cocoon irregularity a characters at silkworm Bombyx mori L. hybrids, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 6, 451-459.
16. Natcheva, Y., N. Petkov (2001) Rates of genetic difference between parent breeds of silkworm moth Bombyx mori L. hybrids for the indexes of intracocoon unevenness and inter cocoon concordance of the silk filament, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science., 6, 7, 107-110.
17. Natcheva, Y., N. Petkov, L. Ignatova, P. Tzenov, M. Braslavskii, M. Stotskii, J. Liushenko (2001) Mathematical prognostication in the choice of initial forms for silkworm industrial hybridization, Sericulture, 23, 14-19 (Ukraine).
18. Natcheva, Y., N. Petkov, L. Ignatova, P. Tzenov, M. Braslavskii, M. Stotskii, J. Liushenko (2001) Correlations between some characters in silkworm outbreed populations, Sericulture, 23, 29-34 ( Ukraine )
19. Natcheva, Y., N. Petkov , P. Tzenov (2001) Mathematical forecast of breeding effect based on cocoon shell weight index of silkworm Bombyx mori L., Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 7, 345-347.
20. Petkov, N., Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov, L. Ignatova, D. Grekov (1999) New highly productive silkworm, Bombyx mori L. hybrids for commercial cocoon production in Bulgaria, The Proceeding of the XVIII International Sericultural Commission Congress, Cairo, 81-86. ( Egypt )
21. Petkov, N., Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov (1999) Mathematical forecasting of parent?s commercial hybridization in the silkworm, Bombyx mori L. Bull. Indian Acad. Seric., 3(1), 76-79, ( India ).
22. Petkov, N., Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov (1999) About the problem of applying inbreeding to silkworm Bombyx mori L, Agricultural science, 1, 37-39.
23. Petkov, N., Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov (1999) On the problem concerning the heritability and the correlative dependences in silkworm production traits, Agricultural science, 3, 35-37.
24. Petkov, N., Y. Natcheva, L. Ignatova, M. Braslavskii, V. Golovko, M. Stotskii, V. Lutenko (1999) Changeability of some breeding characters in promising Bulgarian silkworm races, Sericulture, 22, 53-55, ( Ukraine ).
25. . Petkov, N., Y. Natcheva, L. Ignatova, M. Braslavskii, V. Golovko, M. Stotskii, V. Lutenko (1999) Degree of genetic difference between hybrid lines of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L., Sericulture, 22, 56-59, (Ukraine).
26. Petkov N., Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov, D. Grekov, V. Golovko, M. Braslavskii, M. Stotskii (1999) Phenotypic characteristic of sex limited silkworm Bombyx mori L. races with connection to their use in the breeding programs, Higher school of agriculture-Plovdiv, Scientific works, XLIV, 3, 293-298.
27. Petkov, N., P. Tzenov, Y. Natcheva, L. Ignatova, M. Braslavskii, M. Stotskii, V. Lutenko, Y. Liashenko (1999) Study of the transgressions in some quantitative characters in hybrid populations of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L., Sericulture, 22, 47-52, (Ukraine).
28. Petkov, N., L. Ignatova, Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov (2000) Studies on reproductive traits of simple and complex (three and tetra) hybrids of silkworm, Bombyx mori L., Animal sciences, 4, 84-88.
29. Petkov, N., L. Ignatova, Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov (2000) Studies on reproductive traits of simple and complex (three- and tetra-) hybrids of silkworm ( Bombyx mori L.), Journal of Animal Science, XXXVII, 4, 84-88.
30. Petkov, N., L. Ignatova, Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov (2000) Study on average values and changeability of main characters at double, three and tetra hybrids silkworm ( Bombyx mori L.). I. Spring feeding season, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 6, 593-598.
31. Petkov, N., L. Ignatova, Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov (2000) Study on average values and changeability of main characters at double, three and tetra hybrids silkworm ( Bombyx mori L.). II. At summer rearing seasons, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 6, 681-686.
32. Petkov, N., L. Ignatova, Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov (2000) Study on the average values and variability of the basic productive indexes of double, triple and tetra-cross hybrids of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. I. Spring feeding season, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 6, 593-598.
33. Petkov, N., Y. Natcheva, L. Ignatova, P. Tzenov (2000) Schemes for industrial hybridization in developing tetra hybrids of the silkworm, Agricultural Science, XXXVIII, 1, 41-43.
34. Petkov, N., Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov (2000) On the problem of transgressions in some production traits of silkworm ( Bombyx mori L.), Agricultural Science, XXXVIII, 2, 51-52.
35. Petkov, N., Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov (2000) Rates of genetic difference between the parents forms in hybrids of the silkworm ( Bombyx mori L.), Agricultural Science, XXXVIII, 3, 31-34.
36. Petkov, N., Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov (2000) The problem of selecting genetically labeled by sex in the egg and larva stages of the silkworm ( Bombyx mori L.), Agricultural Science, XXXVIII, 4, 43-45.
37. Petkov, N., Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov, A. Shabalina (2000) Possibilities from selection of lines of the silkworm ( Bombyx mori L.) by motors conduct of the larva, Agricultural Science, XXXVIII, 5.
38. Petkov, N., Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov, D. Grekov (2000) Improvement of initial lines of silkworm hybrid Hebar 1/18 × Hebar 2/1 directed for practical use in summer-autumn feeding. I. Average values and variability of quantitative selection traits, Animal sciences, 4, 89-93.
39. Petkov, N., Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov, D. Grekov (2000) Improvement of initial lines of silkworm hybrid Hebar 1/18 × Hebar 2/1 directed for practical use in summer-autumn feeding. II. Correlations and inheritance of quantitative selection traits, Animal science, 4, 94-97.
40. Petkov, N., Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov, D. Grekov (2000) Improvement of initial lines of silkworm hybrid Hebar 1/18 × Hebar 2/1 directed for practical use in summer-autumn feeding. I. Average values and variability of quantitative selection traits, Journal of Animal Science, XXXVII, 4, 89-93.
41. Petkov, N., Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov, D. Grekov (2000) Improvement of initial lines of silkworm hybrid Hebar 1/18 × Hebar 2/1 directed for practical use in summer-autumn feeding. =I. Correlations and inheritance of quantitative selection traits, Journal of Animal Science, XXXVII, 4, 94-97.
42. Petkov, N., Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov, M. Braslavskii, V. Golovko (2000) Assessment of combining ability of prospective Bulgarian and Ukrainian silkworm breeds ( Bombyx mori L.) by the method of dialell analysis, Animal sciences, 4, 79-83.
43. Petkov, N., Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov., D. Grekov (2000) Hybridization schemes for developing new silkworm ( Bombyx mori L.) races by using populations from different eco geographical zones, Acta Agriculture Serbica, 10, 3-9. ( Serbia )
44. Petkov, N., D. Grekov, P. Ramanli (2001) Studies on the degree of genetic divergence for different quantitative traits between parental lines silkworm, Bombyx mori L. hybrids. International Journal of Industrial Entomology, 2 (1), 79-81. ( Korea ).
45. Petkov, N., Y. Natcheva, D. Grekov (2001) Inheritance of main productive traits in Bombyx mori L., Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, vol. 4, 4-5, 256-262.
46. Petkov, N., Y. Natcheva, P. Tzenov A. Shabalina, V. Golovko, M. Braslavskii, A. Zlotin (2002) Phonotypical characteristic of silkworm ( Bombyx mori L.) lines selected according to movement behavior of caterpillars. The Bul. ?f Kharkov Nat. Agric. University , 3, 227-231. ( Ukraine )
47. Petkov, Z. (2000) About new methods for mulberry vegetative resources investigation, Bulgarian journal of agricultural science , 6, 481-284
48. Petkov, Z. (2000) —orrelations and regressions between main quantitative characters in some mulberry varieties, Bulgarian journal of agricultural science , 6, 561-565
49. Petkov, Z. (2000) Dependencies between beginning of mulberry vegetation and air temperature in Northwest Bulgarian condition, Bulgarian journal of agricultural science , 6, 303-306
50. Petkov, Z., L. Alekseichenko (2000) Phenological development and morphological features of Ukraine mulberry varieties, introduced in Bulgaria, Bulgarian journal of agricultural science , 6, 179-182
51. Petkov Z (2001) About new methods for mulberry vegetable resources investigation. Al- Azhar J. Agric. Res ., �gypt, 34, 235-240.
52. Petkov, Z, (2002) About new methods for mulberry vegetative resources investigation. II. Mulberry morphological descriptor, Bulgarian journal of agricultural science ,8, 611-618
53. Petkov, Z, (200 3 ) About new methods for mulberry vegetative resources investigation. I II. Methods for economical assessment of mulberry forms , Bulgarian journal of agricultural science , 9, 113-117
54. Brailoiu, D., G. Spulber, Z. Petkov, N. Petkov (2004) Using mulberry fruits in food industry, Journal of Balkan Ecology , 7, 1, 22-26
55. Petkov Z., N. Petkov (2004) Application of Agrostemin Commercial Plant Growth regulator in sericulture. =. Influence on growth and yield of mulberry (Morus Alba L.). Journal of Balkan Ecology , 7, 2, 181-186
56. Petkov Z., N. Petkov (2004) Application of Agrostemin Commercial Plant Growth regulator in sericulture. ==. Influence on silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) productivity, Journal of Balkan Ecology , 7, 2, 187-192
57. Petkov Z., N. Petkov (2004) Application of Agrostemin Commercial Plant Growth regulator in sericulture. ===. Influence on balance of dry mass from mulberry plantation and effectiveness of silkworm rearing, Journal of Balkan Ecology , 7, 2, 193-197
58. Tzenov, P., N. Petkov (1996) Effect of the feeding dose during the fifth age of the silkworm Bombyx mori L. larval development on the rates of domination and display of heterosis in F1, Animal sciences, 3, 80-82.
59. Tzenov, P. (1996) Studies on dry matter utilization in genetic sex-limited races of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L., Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 2, 617-622.
60. Tzenov, P. (1996) Studies on some problems of physiology and rearing technology of the silkworm ( Bombyx mori L.) connected with the seed cocoon production, PhD thesis. Sofia .
61. Tzenov, P., Natcheva Y., N. Petkov (1997) Study on the cocoon color and cocoon shape characters inheritance in F1 crosses between uni-bivoltine and multivoltine races of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L., Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 3, 181-185.
62. Tzenov, P. (1998) Study on possibilities for keeping and maintenance of tropical multivoltine race at Bulgarian climatic condition by rearing of one generation yearly, Animal science, supplement, 113-116.
63. Tzenov P., Y. Natcheva, N. Petkov (1998) On the problem of cocoon color segregation in crosses between uni-bivoltine and multivoltine silkworm, Bombyx mori L. races, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science., 4, 471-479.
64. Tzenov, P., N. Petkov (1998) Effect of some environmental factors during different stages of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L. development on the penetration and expression rate of the pnd gene, responsible for diapause., Animal sciences, supplement, 92-95.
65. Tzenov, P., N. Petkov (1998) Study on the degrees of dominance, displayed in F 1 and F 2 for the traits penetration and expression rate of the pnd gene, responsible for the diapause in the silkworm, Bombyx mori L., Animal sciences, supplement, 90-91.
66. Tzenov, P., Y. Natcheva, N. Petkov (1998) Inheritance of the larval marking character in hybrids between multivoltine and uni-bivoltine silkworm, Bombyx mori L. races, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 4, 373-378.
67. Tzenov, P., Y. Natcheva, N. Petkov (1999) Cocoon shape inheritance in hybrids between multivoltine and uni-bivoltine silkworm, Bombyx mori L. races., Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science., 5, 457-464.
68. Tzenov, P., N. Petkov , Y. Natcheva (1999) Study on the inheritance of food ingestion and digestion in hybrids between unibivoltine and multivoltine silkworm, Bombyx mori L. races, Sericologia, 39, 2, 171-177. ( France )
69. Tzenov P., N. Petkov, Y. Natcheva (2000) Study on heterosis and its components at silkworm hybrids ( Bombyx mori L.) with participation of the tropical breed Bonde 517 . II. Traits that characterize the conversion of consumed quantity mulberry leaves., Animal sciences, 3, 69-73.
70. Tzenov, P., J. Lazarov, Y. Natcheva (2000) Heterosis effect and inheritance in F1 of tolerance to unfavorable conditions in hybrids of silkworm, Bombyx mori L., Animal sciences, 5-6, 46-51.
71. Tzenov, P., J. Lazarov, Y. Natcheva (2000) Penetration and expression of the npnd gene of voltinism in F1, F2 and BCP hybrids between monobivoltine and polyvoltine tropical strain of silkworm Bombyx mori L., Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science., 6, 579-582.
72. Tzenov, P., J. Lazarov, Y. Natcheva (2000) Study on race susceptibility to unfavorable rearing conditions of silkworm, Bombyx mori L., Animal sciences, 5-6, 42-45.
73. Tzenov, P., N. Petkov (2000) Main aims, directions and achievements of research activity, extension service and production activity of Experimental Sericultural Station of Vratza, Agricultural Science, 6, 34-36.
74. Tzenov, P., N. Petkov , Y. Natcheva (2000) Study on heterosis and its components at silkworm hybrids Bombyx mori L. with participation of the tropical breed Bonde517. II. Traits that characterize the conversion of consumed quantity mulberry leaves., Animal science, 3, 69-73.
75. Tzenov, P., N. Petkov , Y. Natcheva (2000) Study on heterosis and its components at silkworm hybrids Bombyx mori L. with participation of the tropical breed Bonde 517 . I. Traits that characterize the conversion of available quantity mulberry leave (ECS), Animal sciences, 2, 62-66.
76. Tzenov, P., N. Petkov, Y. Natcheva (2000) Study on heterosis and the components at silkworm hybrids ( Bombyx mori L.) with participation on the tropical breed Bonde 517 . I. Traits that characterize the conversion of available quantity mulberry leaves (ESC), Journal of Animal Science, XXXVII, 2, 62-67.
77. Tzenov, P., N. Petkov, Y. Natcheva (2000) Study on heterosis and the components at silkworm hybrids ( Bombyx mori L.) with participation on the tropical breed Bonde517. =I. Traits that characterize the conversion of consumed quantity mulberry leaves (ESC), Journal of Animal Science, XXXVII, 3, 69-73.
78. Tzenov, P., Y. Natcheva, N. Petkov (2000) Study on the cocoon color segregation manifested in hybrids between uni-bivoltine and multivoltine silkworm, Bombyx mori L. races, Sericologia, 40, 1, 67-73. ( France )
79. Tzenov, P., Y. Natcheva, J. Lazarov (2001) Study on the preservation terms of non diapausing silkworm, Bombyx mori L. eggs at low temperature, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 7, 467-470.
80. Tzenov P., Y. Vasileva (2002) Silkworm Genetic Resources in Bulgaria , 19th Congress of ISC, 21-25th Sep., Bangkok . ( Thailand )
81. Tzenov, P., N. Petkov , Y. Natcheva (2002) Studies on heterosis and its components at silkworm hybrids Bombyx mori L. with participation of the tropical breed Bonde517. III. Traits that characterize conversion of digested mulberry leaves, Journal of Animal Science, XXXIX, 1, 27-31.
82. Tzenov, P., N. Petkov , Y. Natcheva (2002) Studies on heterosis and its components at silkworm hybrids Bombyx mori L. with participation of the tropical breed Bonde 517 . IV. Growth rate and consumption index of silkworm, Journal of Animal Science, XXXIX, 1, 31-34.
83. Tzenov, P., N. Petkov , Y. Natcheva (2002) Studies on heterosis and its components at silkworm hybrids Bombyx mori L. with participation of the tropical breed Bonde 517 . V. Provocative regime of silkworm feeding, Journal of Animal Science, XXXIX, 2, 31-33.
84. Tzenov P. & Z.I. De Guzman (2004) Breeding the new Bulgarian sex-limited for larval markings silkworm Bombyx mori L. commercial hybrid Ze/4 and study on its performance in the Philippines and Bulgaria, Sericologia 44(3), 297-312. (France)
85. Vasileva Y., P. Tzenov, G. Mladenov (1998) Present state, development and trends of research work in the field of partheno and androgenesis in silkworm ( Bombyx mori L.) and the possibilities for their genetic and breeding application, Agricultural science, 1, 22-26.
86. . Vasileva, Y., P. Tzenov (2001) Testing of the gene bank silkworm moth races for parthenogenetic development predisposition, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 7, 475-478.
87. Vasileva, Y., N. Petkov, P. Tzenov (2003) Mathematical prognosis for the choice of initial breeds from the genetic fund of silkworm ( Bombyx mori L.) populations for selection and industrial hybridization, Journal of Animal Science, 6, 57-59.


The following key issues are investigated and developed in moriculture in Georgia :

1. Anatomic structure of mulberry presented in a special album. Together with it, during selection work diagnostic parameters of physiological activity of immunity and stability of mulberry to dwarf leaf disease are established. Authors: D.Shalamberidze, K.Mchedlidze, B.Sakandelidze
2. With the purpose of obtaining steady and highly productive mulberry varieties and conducting selection work at a modern level are investigated electro phoresis spectrums of fibers of buds of an initial and selection material of mulberry, which are specific to separate individuals and reveal the certain attributes within the limits of the certain varieties (form). The albuminous markers revealed in a spectrum are specific for taxonomic units that enables their use for perfection of systematization of mulberry of Morus and definition to a specific belonging of new varieties . Authors: G.Gigolashvili, T.Dalalishvili, B.Sakandelidze
3. The establishing of mother plantations of mulberry, preparation of cuttings for propagation and their storage in polyethylene bags (without a refrigerator), that is rather economic and practical way. Authors: B.Sakandelidze, � .Chikaberidze
4. The obtaining of mulberry saplings by method of grafting of " extra" saplings simultaneously at planting. One of the methods of the accelerated production of mulberry saplings is the grafting in the autumn or in the early spring of the wintered buds of the "extra" saplings. Authors: B.Sakandelidze.R.Kvachadze
5. The obtaining of a maximum quantity of a planting material from 1 hectare nursery using method of combined grafting. Using this method the rooting of saplings and their output increases till 90-95 %. Authors: B.Sakandelidze, E.Chikaberidze
6. Rooting of hardwood cuttings of mulberry in the artificially heated ground. For the accelerated obtaining of mulberry saplings after various tests was established that rooting of cuttings is possible in the artificially heated ground - on the thermal plot, that increases their output to 75 %. Authors: B.Sacandelidze,G.Zviadadze.

Key problems of research work directed to the mulberry dwarf leaf disease control in Georgia :

I. New systems of mulberry tree exploitation for multiple feeding of mulberry silkworm.

Recommendations developed in connection with the problem:

1. About using exploitation systems in the zones of dwarf leaf disease;
2. About application of two year, three year and four year rotation exploitation systems.

II. Recommendations developed in connection with the problem:

1. About planting of intensive type, low-stem plantations
2. About optimal terms for starting exploitation of types of plantations

III. Development of complex measures for the struggle against mulberry dwarf leaf disease in mulberry. The following recommendations were developed:

1. About grafting with new, highly productive, resistant to diseases, mulberry tree varieties "Egrisi" and "Akhalkartuli-2".
2. About application of optimal doses of mineral fertilizers in the diseased zone.
3. About application of various chemical preparations against the dwarf leaf disease.

Research topics with the silkworm in Georgia :

1. Effect of allelopathic plants on the composition of entomofauna and on the density of population of a pest, mulberry leaf cicadae, carrier of mulberry dwarf leaf disease. Executors: L.Gigolashvili, N.Tsintsadze
2. Chemical characteristics of mulberry varieties in defining tolerance against mulberry dwarf leaf disease. Executors: L.Gigolashvili, Ts. Tsereteli, N.Antelava
3. Hereditary nature of sub palatal ganglion of mulberry silkworm in the hybrids of diverse vaulting. Executor: L. Gigolashvili
4. 4. Results of diapause and embryogenesis of mulberry silkworm during aestivation in distinguished hydro-thermal conditions of wintering - illustrated with photo album of stages of development of new white-cocoon species embryos. ?Executor: L.Gigolashvili
5. Forecasting of physiological state of embryogenesis of mulberry silkworm by modern methods of chemical study. Executors: L.Gigolashvili, G. Gigolashvili, N.Gordeziani
6. Perspectives of application of bio-stimulators (hormonides: IHA-1, IHA-PR, BAV-13): apillak, extracts of allelopathic plants, spirulina, ASMA No 1 (developed by us) and others in sericulture, in early and late ontogenesis of mulberry silkworm: a) for the increase of immunity; b) for the perfection of biological and technological indices; c) regulation of neurohumoral processes. Executors: G.Gigolashvili, N.Baramidze, Z. Putkaradze
7. Optimal methods of leaf-change feeding of silkworm under polyethylene film cover was developed for the increase of productivity of mulberry silkworm. Executors: N.Baramidze, E.Shapakidze, E.Tsotskolauri
8. A new method for stifling cocoons of silkworm by heat shock with the subsequent natural drying that enables to exclude the stage of primary treatment of cocoons. Executors: G. Jokharidze & Z. Jokharidze

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