

Brief summary about Georgian sericulture: Distribution of sericulture in Georgia (Trans-Caucasia) was connected with the name of king Vakhtang Gorgasali in 5 th century A.D. In the middle of 19 th century in Georgia it was annually made 6.4-6.5 thousand tons of fresh cocoons, as to this day it is considered as a record. In 1887 in Tbilisi the Caucasian Sericulture Station, which was a unique scientific institute in this branch on all Russian empire was based and had the big authority in global aspect with its rich material base, and the world famous museum and unique scientific library. In 30 th years of the last century wide establishment of large silk reeling and silk-weaving factories was occurred in Georgia , the capacity of which on 25-30 % surpassed local needs.

Since 1930 have been stopped not only the silkworm eggs import, but also eggs on export started to be prepared. In the 60 th years of the 20 th century the average annual fresh cocoon production reached 4.0-4.4 thousand tons, in sericulture were engaged 100-200 thousand families, and in the silk industry worked 5.5-6.0 thousand employees. To a great regret at this stage has arisen a mycoplasma mulberry disease (dwarf leaves) resulting in destroy of 16 million mulberry trees. Even though the mulberry plantations in Georgia due to the efforts of government were gradually rehabilitated during the next years, now sericulture development faces a lot of problems, such as that the fresh cocoon production in comparison since 1964 (4.4 thousand ton) in 1995 was reduced to 98 %, and lately has completely stopped, have completely stopped the production in all silk reeling and weaving factories in Georgia, a bigger part of mulberry plantations is completely destroyed and if some urgent measures are not taken in due time it would be full destructed, it is completely destroyed the very well organized in the past silkworm egg production system. The sericulture recession up to the present level basically was caused by the d ecrease the number of mulberry trees , l oss the traditional silk markets in Russia and Baltic countries and difficulties in exploring new markets , l ow raw silk quality produced, due mainly to the poor silkworm egg production system and out of the date old silk reeling machines and technology. For rehabilitation and development of sericulture the main conditions are the 15 centuries old traditions in sericulture, the big love of the population to this branch, favourable climatic conditions allowing to produce high quality bivoltine cocoons , availability of more than 4 million mulberry trees scattered all over the country, which are enough for production of about 1500 t –2000 t fresh cocoon/year and 180 t–250 t raw silk/year , the still preserved sericulture science and genetic resources , network for silkworm egg/larvae distribution, cocoon purchasing, drying, assorting and storage , the country is situated near to the big European market for high quality raw silk /allied products and could be created as an alternative source , there is still preserved national tradition for making silk handcrafts , the farmer's incomes in Georgia are still comparatively too low and the unemployment is very high, especially in the rural areas. The prognostic parameters in sericulture revival and development in Georgia also in the light of some regional cooperation activities should be providing raw material to the still saved silk industry in the country, export on the international market of possible amount (at the first stage) raw silk and in part dried cocoons, development of silkworm egg production in such volume that will enable satisfying the local needs and making export of high-quality silkworm eggs in the countries of region, export of mulberry saplings of tolerant to dwarf leaf disease mulberry varieties, selected in Georgia, transfer of the rich scientific literature and methods for control of the dwarf leaf disease, developed, testing foreign promising mulberry varieties by the method for stability to dwarf leaves disease. In the countries of region probably could be used also the method of early diagnostics the stability to dwarf leaf disease, developed in the institute, the anatomic method of studying of mulberry and modern technologies of cocoon reeling, which are characterized with a high economic efficiency could be placed at disposal.

Local sericulture institutions:

Name of the organization: State Silk Museum

Address: 6, Tsabadze st., 0112, Tbilisi, Georgia

Phone: (+995 32) 340 967



Contact person: Ms. Nino Kuprava, director

Mission statement: The mission of the State Silk Museum, one of the world’s oldest silk museums, is to promote the understanding and appreciation of silk, its production and use through research, exhibitions and educational programmes.

Name: Agricultural University of Georgia

Laboratory of Sericulture

Adress: D.Agmashenebely alley #240 0159, Tbilisi Georgia.

Phone: +995 595 535232

E –Mail:


Contact person:  Mr.Irakli Gujabidze Head of Laboratory of Sericulture

Collection and Preservation of Silkworm and Mulberry germplasm.

prevention and control Silkworm and Mulberry disease









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